Case Study: Interim Business Services Manager at a Not-For-Profit organisation
Having not found a suitable replacement for several months, after the resignation of a key executive, our client approached the Gig Executive team to find an interim Business Services Manager who could lead an important programme for schools.
Strength in business services was identified as critical which would complement the team and provide much needed strategic insight. One potential candidate was an obvious choice, with management of million-dollar external contracts to the sector including government service and partnership arrangements. As a member of the Technical Advisory Group working with the client and superior stakeholder relations, meant they would deliver immediate results..
When interviewed the preferred candidate commented that their strength was in straddling operations and strategy, a critical factor in the success of this role. Their advantage was their expertise, being able to make immediate impact with tasks familiar to them. So, while they got up to speed with the content knowledge, they were able to achieve things quicker than others might. The placed candidate quickly established themselves as a vital member of the executive team. Within eight weeks they were appointed the permanent position.