Emerging Conditions HR Review - CLA Solutions

Case Study: Emerging Conditions HR Review with a Key Victorian Public Authority​

The Brief

A leading public organisation had undertaken a structural change whereby the Human Resources Department was moved from the Capability Department to the Corporate and Regulatory Services Department. With the emerging operating environment in mind, the Deputy Secretary opted to conduct a functional review of the HR Department with the view to extracting stakeholder feedback regarding service, delivery and structure of the function.

Solution Building​

CogNative Leadership Advantage (CogNative) was engaged to undertake an Emerging Conditions Functional Review of the Human Resources Department. The key areas reviewed were structure, service and delivery functions of the department. Stakeholder engagement and feedback was a key priority of this review.

The CogNative Consultant team conducted extensive interviews with a variety of key stakeholders, including consultation sessions with the five HRD Divisional Leadership Teams.  

The Outcome​

We provided a detailed report summarising key findings, opportunities and recommendations.  A transformation of the HR function was recommended, moving towards a People, Culture and Leadership function with a future facing, agile, efficient and quality focussed service and delivery model. 

The transformation project supported by 9 other prioritised projects, will emphasise a refreshed HRD capability and structure, a revised HR Business Partnering (HRBP) model, a workforce planning project and a supporting data and analytics solution, with priority projects proposed to be completed by June 2021.