Sean Jespersen is the new Chief Medical Officer at Barwon Health - CLA Solutions

Sean Jespersen is the new Chief Medical Officer at Barwon Health

Sean Jespersen is the new Chief Medical Officer at Barwon Health. With a specialist registration in psychiatry and medical administration Sean has supplemented his clinical experience with the completion of his RACMA fellowship at the end of 2016. Sean was previously appointed as the Director of Medical Services at the Hepburn Health Service and was concurrently also a consultant clinical advisor with Mind Australia where he focussed on clinical governance and risk management. Earlier in 2017 Sean undertook a six month period of service with Barwon Health as an Authorised Psychiatrist and the Acting Clinical Director of the Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol service during a challenging period of significant change. Between 2009 and 2017 Sean held the position of Clinical Director of Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs with Peninsula Health. During his time with Peninsula Health, Sean built a strong service and leadership group that had developed some innovative models of care. Sean undertook a sabbatical which included a secondment to the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria in the Quality and Safety Unit, Health Service Performance and Programs. Here, Sean was involved in projects such as revising policies on credentialing, scope of clinical practice and performance review, and supporting the Department’s rural DMS strategy. Sean’s earlier career included senior mental health/psychiatry appointments with Eastern Health and Werribee Mercy Mental Health, in addition to academic appointments with the University of Melbourne.