Taking an evidence-based approach to extraordinary leadership.
Ordinary leaders answer the questions. Extraordinary leaders question the answers.
What would help your leaders reach a new level of positive impact? Our team here at CLA (CogNative Leadership Advantage) are no ordinary consultants. We are hands-on strategic partners. We deliver proactive ideas, curating a solution drawn from our extensive suite of evidence-based leadership tools. We really care that our work with you creates a measurable difference. We leverage data, experience and relationships to shape cultures of leadership so that organisations can thrive in today’s world.
Extraordinary leaders are everyday humans… lucky enough to have had someone invest in their capability along the way.
How will you invest in leaders less ordinary?
Our services
Leadership Development & Wellbeing
Leadership Assessment
Coaching & Transition
Organisation Transformation
Why us?
CLA is a team of organisational psychologists, coaches and transformation specialists working together seamlessly to help organisations take an evidence-based approach to extraordinary leadership.
Leaders today are balancing high pressure with high performance, often without the necessary support to maximise wellbeing, creativity, productivity and ongoing learning.
We co-design programs incorporating leadership development and wellbeing, assessment, coaching and transition, onboarding, and organisational transformation. Leaders rely on us to bring together psychology, leadership science, trusted consulting relationships and proactive strategy facilitation to deliver future leadership solutions.
Partner with us to create a measurable difference in your leadership.
Measuring the difference we make
We listen to what our program participants say by measuring and evaluating our performance according to a number of indicators, called our CLA Indices. We collect and update this data regularly (benchmarked data is presented).
Motivation to Develop
Role Clarity
Leverage our proprietary tools and programs
What challenges are we solving?
Are your leaders energised and ready to take on new world challenges? Does your culture lean into change? Does your organisation have a clear capability framework and leadership development plan in place?
31% of Australian businesses are struggling to fill roles*
Robust leadership development and wellbeing programs attract and retain great people in a talent-short market.
*ABS 2022
75% of Australian CEOs are concerned about the availability of key skills*
Sophisticated assessments are required to evaluate past experience and future upskilling potential.
*PwC 2022
70% success of team engagement is determined solely by the manager*
Coaching, onboarding and transition ensure great leadership inspires great engagement.
*Gallup 2022
51% employees spend less than one hour a week on any form of learning*
Transform organisational skills pathways with capability framework mapping.
*Swinburne 2021
Our client community
We build and influence a community
of leaders who deliver outcomes that
make a lasting, positive impact
locally and globally.
When we think about leadership, we are thinking about partnership. We understand the value of strong communities and feel compelled and grateful to contribute proactively to the places where we live and work.
Many of the people who come to us for support have transitioned through coaching, development and placement, and then turn to us for solutions such as assessment, wellbeing programs and support with change management and transformation.
We are a solution provider with heart, and the long-term, trusted relationships that come with our position are part of the joy of our work.
Read our case studies to understand how other organisations have partnered with us recently.
Dr Marcele de sanctis
Dale Bracegirdle
Partner, Leadership Development & Wellbeing
Connect on LinkedIn
1300 347 437
Candice Lester
Aliki Stathopoulos
June Parker
General Manager – Coaching & Transition
Connect on LinkedIn
+61 3 9016 6000
Manager Leadership Development & Wellbeing
Lisa Everton
David Bowering
Pamela Armstrong
Irene Tzelepis
Rachel Kaliatama
Hayley Roylance
Erika Tinaja
Liz Reams
Elizabeth Ramani
Yash Fernando
How can we help?
Connect with the right specialist
With decades of experience partnering with leaders at the coal-face of change, we understand the support needed for individuals, teams and organisations to thrive in the evolving world of work. From wellbeing and mental fitness programs, to coaching, leadership and transition services, to organisational design, change management and board advisory, we are here to build a solution to meet your needs.